MEET TRUCK                                               


Orders larger than 1/3 of a truckload, a minimum of 22 points, 24 Major  or any load over 26 points are handled as Meet Truck deliveries. In the case of Meet Trucks, the ADC ships directly to the jobsite and not to the SDS Warehouse. The SDS crew will meet the ADC truck (Meet Truck) at the job site and perform needed services.

Note:  All microwaves, compact refrigerators, cooktops & room air conditioners are Major Appliances  

 100-20 Meet Truck SOR

 Meet Truck Scheduling Process

 Scheduling Training

 GEAD Meet Truck Check-In SOR


 Meet Truck Damage Refusal Replacements

 Meet Truck Diverts

 Meet Truck Overage And Shortage Process